Automotive shop, close-up of a red car with flooring and other cars in the background.


Picture this: a busy automotive shop filled with skilled mechanics working diligently on cars, with tools clanging and engines roaring. Now, beneath all this organized chaos lies a critical but often unnoticed element that plays a pivotal role in the success of any automotive workshop – the flooring.


In the past decade, auto dealerships have transitioned from dingy, uninviting service areas to well-lit, aesthetically pleasing spaces for both customers and mechanics. With the increasing demand for skilled mechanics, it's essential to provide them with a bright, clean, and safe working environment. This shift has led to the adoption of light-reflective epoxy and resinous flooring, prioritizing the well-being and efficiency of the mechanics.


The choice of flooring material in automotive workshops is a decision that can impact productivity, safety, and the overall efficiency of your operations. Whether you run a bustling repair shop, a custom auto body garage, or a tire service centre, the type of flooring you choose can make a world of difference in how smoothly your day-to-day operations run.


In this blog post, we're going to learn why epoxy floorings are the ideal solution for automotive shops. From durability to safety and everything in between, we'll explore why having the right flooring in your workshop is not just a matter of aesthetics but a fundamental necessity.


At BNE, we are trusted experts in concrete finishing. We have the knowledge, equipment, and skills to properly install concrete for any type of project. We use industry-leading technology and expertise to provide the client with a concrete structure that will last. Our clients seek us out because we are a single source providing concrete finishing, polish and epoxy. This saves them time, money, and the hassle of communicating their needs to various contractors. Do not hesitate to reach out to us for your next construction project. We are just one phone call or email away!



Why The Flooring Choice Matters

An automotive shop’s flooring is a foundational element of its operation. It must endure the weight of heavy vehicles, withstand chemical spills, and provide a secure and comfortable workspace for mechanics.


The right flooring choice can streamline workflow, diminish maintenance expenses, and elevate safety standards, making it an essential consideration for any automotive shop owner.


However, automotive shops face distinct challenges, including rapid wear and tear, leading to structural issues and safety concerns. These problems are exacerbated by frequent occurrences of chemical spills, oil leaks, and grease buildup.


This results in the need for ongoing maintenance that can be both time-consuming and costly, diverting resources from core automotive services.


Epoxy floorings are the optimal solution to these challenges. Engineered to bear the substantial loads of vehicles, resist chemical damage, and offer a durable, smooth surface, epoxy flooring is tailored to meet the daily demands of an automotive shop.


Its seamless design minimizes tripping hazards and simplifies cleaning, ensuring a safer and more efficient working environment. By selecting epoxy floorings, shop owners can notably reduce flooring wear and tear, enhance safety, and realize long-term savings on maintenance expenses.



Benefits of Epoxy Flooring


Durability and Longevity

Epoxy floorings are renowned for their exceptional durability. They can withstand heavy loads, including the weight of vehicles and equipment, without cracking or breaking. Concrete floorings have a long lifespan, making them a cost-effective investment for automotive shops.


Resistance to Heavy Equipment and Chemicals

Epoxy floorings are highly resistant to the wear and tear caused by heavy automotive equipment, such as vehicle lifts and jacks. They are also resistant to the chemicals commonly used in automotive maintenance, such as oils, lubricants, and solvents.


Easy Maintenance and Cleaning

Concrete floorings are relatively easy to maintain, requiring minimal upkeep. Regular cleaning with mild detergents and water is usually sufficient to keep them in good condition. The smooth, seamless surface of epoxy floorings makes sweeping debris and spills easy.


Enhanced Safety Features

Concrete floorings can be customized to include anti-slip additives or coatings, enhancing safety in the automotive shop. The absence of seams or grout lines reduces tripping hazards and creates a safer working environment for mechanics. They are fire-resistant and don't emit harmful fumes, contributing to overall shop safety.


Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Run

While the initial installation cost of epoxy floorings may be higher than some alternatives, they offer substantial long-term cost savings. Their durability means fewer repairs and replacements, reducing maintenance expenses over time. The resistance to chemicals and stains also minimizes the need for costly flooring treatments or coatings.



Types of Epoxy Flooring

Each type of epoxy flooring has unique characteristics and advantages, allowing automotive shop owners to choose the one that best suits their needs and preferences.


Overview of an automotive shop with large windows and shiny, epoxy flooring.


Let’s explore a few.

  • Traditional Concrete: Traditional concrete floorings are a straightforward and cost-effective choice. They are poured on-site, smoothed, and finished to create a solid, durable surface. While simple, they offer excellent strength and durability, making them suitable for many automotive shops. If you’re using traditional concrete, the use of a densifier and/or concrete sealer is important.

  • Epoxy Coatings: Epoxy coatings are applied over existing concrete floorings. They consist of epoxy resin and a hardener that creates a seamless, glossy surface. Epoxy coatings are known for their chemical resistance, making them suitable for automotive shops where spills are common. They can be customized with various colours and textures.

  • UV Epoxy Coatings: UV epoxy coatings in automotive shops provide protection to the floorings and surfaces from the harsh conditions commonly encountered in these environments. These coatings not only offer excellent resistance to UV radiation but also enhance the overall durability, chemical resistance, and aesthetic appeal of the flooring.

  • Polished Concrete: Polished concrete involves grinding the surface of the concrete to create a smooth, glossy finish. This process not only enhances aesthetics but also improves the flooring's durability. Polished concrete is easy to clean and maintain, making it a popular choice for automotive shops. If you’re using polished concrete, the use of a densifier and/or concrete sealer is important.



How To Choose the Right Epoxy Flooring

Before selecting an epoxy flooring, carefully assess your shop's requirements and priorities. Consider the types of vehicles serviced, the equipment used, and the areas where the flooring will be installed.


Factors to Consider When Selecting the Flooring Type

  • Purpose: Determine the primary purpose of the area where the flooring will be installed. For example, service bays may have different requirements than customer waiting areas.

  • Durability: Consider the expected wear and tear, including heavy equipment and vehicle traffic.

  • Chemical Resistance: If your shop deals with oil, grease, or chemicals, prioritize flooring options that offer chemical resistance.

  • Aesthetics: Think about the appearance you want for your shop, as different flooring types offer various design options.

  • Safety: Assess the importance of safety features, such as slip and fire resistance.

  • Budget: Determine your budget for both the initial installation and long-term maintenance, as some options may have higher upfront costs but lower maintenance costs.


The Importance of Professional Installation

Regardless of the type of epoxy flooring you choose, professional installation is crucial.


Skilled installers have the expertise to prepare the substrate, apply the flooring correctly, and ensure it meets safety standards. Professional installation minimizes the risk of issues like cracks, uneven surfaces, or adhesion problems. It also helps ensure that the chosen flooring type performs as intended and has a longer lifespan.


At BNE, we are trusted experts in concrete finishing. We have the knowledge, equipment, and skills to properly install concrete for any type of project. We use industry-leading technology and expertise to provide the client with a concrete structure that will last. Our clients seek us out because we are a single source providing concrete finishing, polish and epoxy. This saves them time, money and the hassle of communicating their needs to various contractors. Do not hesitate to reach out to us for your next construction project. We are just one phone call or email away!